Thursday, August 30, 2012

Seek and you will find

"I've always wanted to read the bible" an answer that my staff partners and I heard repeatedly last week as we asked the question "Do you read the Bible?" for our first outreach on campus. Many students put their red sticker on the board answering "No" but to our great joy that didn't mean students weren't interested. We found that many students wanted to read the bible for the first time.

We spent all last week interacting with students at our proxe station or "question of the month." Many of the students who are already a part of InterVarsity participated with us as they stopped their peers walking by to ask important questions about faith in college.One of our students Melana said, "I love tabling with InterVarsity because I get the chance to invite other colleagues to a place on campus where they can thrive, unite, and be connected with the Lord!"
Rosie and Melana, students who participated in outreach with us
We kicked of the week with our Back to School Large Group, where saw 48 students come! All except a few faces, were new students. This is especially exciting to me since we have transferred on many of our
core students, but I am quickly seeing how God is bringing new people.  

We've had about 40 Students come to bible discussions this week excited to learn more about Jesus and meet friends on campus. Brand new students are already passing out info fliers in class and inviting peers to come with them. I am most excited to see a new group of seekers who have never read the bible, but are expressing great interest in learning about the bible, faith, and Christianity. We have had several non Christians in each bible study that are holding an open perspective that the bible could in fact be truthful and means something for their lives!

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for our continual follow up with students
  • Pray for the non christian students seeking truth
  • Prayer for me as I am in the process of raising support to be on campus full time
  • Continue to pray for our new Area Director, Jenny Klouse as her family settles in to their new home in California. 

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.

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