Tuesday, April 1, 2014

New Life given at Mark Camp

 Two weeks ago, we took 9 SRJC students to join Chico and UNR InterVarsity to the Santa Cruz Area for an in depth manuscript Study of the Gospel of Mark.   We spent about 8 hours a day in the word, observing, asking questions, discussing the impact, and applying it to our lives.  As always, students were first overwhelmed by our request to look at the text a certain way (only can cross reference the old testament, observe before you interpret etc), but by day three, students were connecting to each other and enjoying the study greatly.  Jesus had much to say to us through the book of Mark. I was filled with joy to see a beautiful transformation happen in the students that week. Hope was restored, healing began to happen, and new life appeared as several students put their faith in Jesus for the first time, including one from SRJC.
Here are some student Testimonies from the week: 

" It's refreshing to constantly be surrounded by believers. I've never experienced that type of fellowship beforehand. I've been frustrated with my age group for a long time but this trip reminded me that other people care about Christ and His kingdom too. I read through the first part of Mark and saw the heart of Christ in a way that I've never experienced before, and reading so many pages in a row, I was able to place each separate parable, narrative and teaching of Christ in its context. I want to keep annotating those pages and know more, and cherish Jesus not only as Lord, but to also apply Him to myself personally as Healer, because I have neglected that for so long. I'll miss the people I met, the food, and the fellowship. I'm glad I came" Blake Deal

"Camp was really great experience for me. I had little experience studying the Bible before so it was really great to have that opportunity at Mark camp to learn to study the Bible looking carefully at each line in the first chapters of Mark. I also enjoyed the fellowship with other believers, being able to meet new people was really a blessing for me. Finally, the Worship time just filled me with God's presence, and the quiet times with God were irreplaceable. All in All Mark camp really helped me draw closer to God and increase my faith in Christ as I studied His Word. I'm really glad I was able to go" Diane Downie  

What's next?
Athletes InterVarsity is having and is showing a screening of Linsanity April 16th. Please pray for us as we continue to outreach to the athletic community on campus. We are praying for at least 20 Athletes to come.