This semester we have been studying John in Bible Discussions.
A theme that kept jumping out to us was hunger and thirst...
and so we launched the Red Cup Campaign a few weeks ago.
students giving their thirsts to Jesus |
We asked the students walking by, "What do you put in a red cup?" Intrigued, many of them stayed around for a conversation about thirst, purpose, and the Gospel. For many of the students in the fellowship, it was the first time participating in an outreach. Many of them went in nervous and left excited about how God had been showing up.
All week we invited students to our monthly Large Group Gathering. We continued our theme of thirst. I spoke about how Jesus meets the woman at the well in John 4. 31 students came! It was an awesome time of fellowship, praise, and responding to the invitation Jesus had for each of us about our own deeper thirsts. One student that I invited last minute came up to me afterward and said he would like to start coming to a bible study!
Students have been excited since Large Group, realizing that they aren't the only christian on campus. Please pray for students as they desire to meet Jesus at the well, just as the Samaritan woman.
Students acting out John 4 |
Journey! October 25th-27th
Pray for sign ups! We have one more week of registration. I'm hoping to recruit 35 students to go.
Pray for me as I lead a seminar on worth and identity.
Pray for students who decide to go to Journey, pray they would encounter Jesus in a deeper way.
Pray for students who decide to go to Journey, pray they would encounter Jesus in a deeper way.
Evangelistic Opportunity
SRJC is considering an outreach opportunity for the spring. Please pray for wisdom and that God would lead as we pursue this potential option.